Maggie’s kitchen has a beautiful home-made range of edible gifts. Perfect for those foodies or chilli heads in your life!

I wanted to tell you a little bit about how amazing chillies are and how they are an important part of many of the cuisines of the world. Not only do chillies enhance and enliven your cooking, but they’re also good for you! They are an excellent source of vitamin C. The tingle or heatwave you feel when you eat one actually stimulates endorphins in the brain, which contributes to the ‘feel-good’ factor, so I say eat more!

In the not too distant past, but thankfully far enough for the trauma to subside, the closest we came to an exotically spiced dishes in the UK was a Vesta Curry…Yuck! do you remember those? Well thankfully, due in part to this country’s great cultural and racial diversity, we now see chillies from many parts of the world in fact there are more than 200 varieties.